All Natural Deodorant


This deliciously aromatic deodorant soothes and heals your underarms armpits.  Great for those who shave.

Moisturizing, Nourishing, and Healing Deodorant.

No white flake-y mess.

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Ingredients: Grape seed Oil, Aloe Liquid, 100% pure Essential Oil Blend, 100% pure Lime Oil, 100% pure Vitamin E Oil.

Benefits: Soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin while providing a deliciously fragrant layer of protection

The use of mainstream antiperspirants is linked to breast cancer.  There are two reasons for this:

  1. Cancer-causing substances (including aluminum) in antiperspirants are absorbed through your pores and razor nicks from underarm shaving. These substances are said to be deposited in the lymph nodes under the arm, aluminum is not only absorbed by your body, but is deposited in your breast tissue and even can be found in nipple aspirate fluid a fluid present in the breast duct tree that mirrors the microenvironment in your breast. This causes a high concentration of toxins, which leads to cells mutating into cancer.
  2. Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores that release sweat under your arms — with the active ingredient being aluminum. This blocks one of your body’s routes for detoxification (releasing toxins via your underarm sweat).  Toxins that are not released  via your armpits remain in your body and find their way into your breast tissues.

A healthy alternative to antiperspirants can be found in our 100% organic and pure deodorant.  This special blend not only smells inviting and relaxing, but it also kills the bacteria that cause body odor on contact.  Your body still sweats, but the toxins that cause fowl odors are killed, keeping you smelling of lavender and roses.


Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Essential oil blend

Peppermint, Orange, Frankincense & Myrrh, Lemongrass, Lemon, Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Lime, Patchouli, Sage, Jasmine, Summer Citron, Spearmint